Wednesday, January 19th, 7:00-8:00 p.m. ET
Free for WMG members and non-members
Is one of your new year’s resolutions to finally start (or finish) your book? There’s tons of advice out there on how you “should” do it. But quite often, the advice doesn’t free up creativity; it constricts it. What if you could approach writing a book in a way that felt less like “work” and more fun and creative? What if you threw out the templates and did the whole thing backwards? Because you can. Join us for a fun evening that’s part discussion and part book launch with WMG member Terri Trespicio, author of Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You (Atria Books, December 2021), and Richelle Fredson, founder of Purposeful Platforms and former head of publicity at Hay House. Come discover a fresh and nonlinear approach to crafting, sharing, and promoting your work.
About the speakers:
Terri Trespicio is a writer, speaker, brand advisor, and author of Unfollow Your Passion (Atria, Dec 2021) whose work has appeared in Marie Claire, Jezebel, Business Insider, Oprah magazine, and others. Her TEDx talk, "Stop searching for your passion" recently surpassed 7 million views. A former magazine editor at Martha Stewart and media contributor, she speaks widely, and works with individuals and organizations to help them craft their critical messaging.
Richelle Fredson is the Founder of Purposeful Platforms and the host of the Bound + Determined podcast. As a Book Proposal Coach and Publishing Consultant, Richelle lends her extensive knowledge to aspiring authors to guide them through the book writing process from concept to proposal to agent introductions. As the former Director of Publicity and Book Marketing at Hay House, Richelle brings a unique advantage to aspiring authors who want to anchor their stories and amplify their expertise.
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