A note from your hosts: Join Presidents Emeritae Julie Blattberg and Charlie Schroder for drinks and conversation.
Price: Registration is free, but required. Cash bar.
A happy hour, a meetup, a social — call it whatever you like, but WMG members and scholars are invited to join Presidents Emeritae Julie Blattberg and Charlie Schroder for a little networking and socializing.
Introverts, extroverts, and omniverts are welcome!
Toast with your beverage of choice and get to know WMG members in a casual setting.
Seating will be based on whatever is available at the bar.
WMG’s small group gatherings are a long-standing tradition and remain one of our most popular program series. This is a wonderful way to facilitate meaningful connections among members. If there is a cost involved in this event, it will be shared equitably amongst attendees. This could mean paying for your own meal at a restaurant or contributing equally to any collective costs, such as wine, that benefit the group as a whole. If you have any specific questions, please reach out to the host directly. All member contact information can be found in the Member Directory.
This event is in-person at Da Claudio, 21 Ann Street, in the Financial District
Email us at info@womensmediagroup.org with any questions.
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